Introducing I.D.E.A.A.S.

Your Initial Development Expert As A Service

We're here to revolutionise your startup journey with our unique approach and unwavering commitment to your success.

All you need to bring your idea to life

We're here to assist both companies and individuals in creating their brand success.

Future-Proof System Development
We build your system with an eye on the future. Our expertise ensures it's easy to build on later or hand over. With firsthand insights from working with funded companies, we optimise your chances of success.
Low Monthly Retainer with Performance Bonuses
I.D.E.A.A.S. offers an affordable monthly retainer with performance bonuses tied to milestones. We're invested in your success, sharing the risk and the reward to ensure we grow together.
The 3 Levers for Your Benefit
  1. What - Your Vision: You're in charge of defining your goals and outcomes, and we work tirelessly to make them a reality.
  2. How - Our Expertise: Our skilled team takes full responsibility for technical implementation, leaving you to focus on your core business.
  3. When - Collaborative Progress: We negotiate timelines together, ensuring a transparent and efficient partnership.
Non-Control B Shares - Sharing the Reward, Not the Control
Depending on your idea, we may opt for non-controlling B shares, giving us a stake in your success without interfering in your company's decision-making. Our interests are fully aligned with yours.

Let's talk about your project

Are you ready to take your startup to new heights?

Let's share the risk and the reward for a thriving future.

Get in touch today!

